PerlWizard - A free wizard for automatic Perl software code generation using simple forms
Richard Bailey
2014-08-26 01:44:44 UTC
Summary. PerlWizard <http://www.rtbaileyphd.com/perlwizard> quickly
generates front ends for user-friendly Perl scripts for Unix and Windows,
with emphasis on the user interface, managing defaults files, and providing
help. The generated user interface supplies defaults for unentered options,
validates options, and records options for use as defaults on subsequent
runs of the generated scripts. This makes PerlWizard scripts much more
interactive and friendly than typical command line programs. Once
PerlWizard generates the front end, the programmer just needs to go to the
bottom of the generated code and start writing. No need to worry about how
to set up Getopt::Long <http://perldoc.perl.org/Getopt/Long.html> calls,
initialization files, built-in help, log files, etc. PerlWizard is
available at http://www.rtbaileyphd.com/perlwizard.

Basically, you just need to fill out a few simple forms, click a few
buttons, and you can quickly jump into coding the guts of your script
without bothering with all the boilerplate needed to produce a robust,
user-friendly Perl application.

FYI PerlWizard is a Java application that uses the Freemarker template
engine that reads a Perl template to generate Perl scripts.

Best Regards,

R. T. Bailey
