Read email
Danny Wong (dannwong)
2014-08-22 00:52:20 UTC
Hi Perl Gurus,
What is the best module to use to read incoming emails from a particular
user? Any examples would be great to! Thanks!
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Ken Peng
2014-08-22 01:21:46 UTC
It depends. If going with pop3 protocal,

If going with IMAP protocal, then try search,

Also there are the modules for special providers,
http://search.cpan.org/~dannyt/WWW-Gmail-1.0/lib/WWW/Gmail.pm #gmail

Gmail supports a non-standard IMAP. but yahoo now supports the standard
pop3 and imap for free, so using the common pop3/imap protocal to fetch
mails is right.
Post by Danny Wong (dannwong)
What is the best module to use to read incoming emails from a particular
user? Any examples would be great to! Thanks!
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2014-08-31 00:29:02 UTC
Post by Danny Wong (dannwong)
Hi Perl Gurus,
What is the best module to use to read incoming emails from a particular
user? Any examples would be great to! Thanks!
It depends on what you consider "read". There's an example that uses
Net::IMAP::Client at https://github.com/lee-/imapsize

There are also modules on CPAN to "read" an email, like having it around
in a file from which you want to extract, say, the Subject: header.

To decode attachments contained in emails, uudeview appears to be
extremely useful.
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