Why to use a lib folder for a CPAN module
Alex Becker
2014-10-08 17:59:12 UTC

When creating the base for a new CPAN module using h2xs (e.g. with the
command h2xs -b 5.10 -XA -n Super::Duper::Module), there is a lib folder

In this lib folder, the name space is mirrored by a directory tree (e.g.

Now, while browsing CPAN, I noticed some older modules not having a lib

So, I personally like the lib folder because it's easy to identify where
the module's code resides.

But, is there any other advantage? Or to ask in another fashion: is it
recommended to use a lib folder and if yes, why?

Kind regards,
Shlomi Fish
2014-10-09 08:22:33 UTC
Hi Alex,

On Wed, 8 Oct 2014 19:59:12 +0200
Post by Alex Becker
When creating the base for a new CPAN module using h2xs (e.g. with the
command h2xs -b 5.10 -XA -n Super::Duper::Module), there is a lib folder
First of all, you should not use h2xs, but rather Dist-Zilla or Module-Starter
( https://metacpan.org/release/Module-Starter ).
Post by Alex Becker
In this lib folder, the name space is mirrored by a directory tree (e.g.
Now, while browsing CPAN, I noticed some older modules not having a lib
Yes, and it's a bad idea.
Post by Alex Becker
So, I personally like the lib folder because it's easy to identify where
the module's code resides.
But, is there any other advantage? Or to ask in another fashion: is it
recommended to use a lib folder and if yes, why?
Using a lib folder makes everything ordered and nice, and allows you to do
perl -Mblib or sometimes perl -Ilib / etc. and is good for good measure. NEVER
Scatter your modules elsewhere.


Shlomi Fish
Shlomi Fish http://www.shlomifish.org/
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Ken Peng
2014-10-09 08:24:48 UTC
Module-starter is cool. I always use that for my packages management.
Post by Shlomi Fish
First of all, you should not use h2xs, but rather Dist-Zilla or Module-Starter
(https://metacpan.org/release/Module-Starter ).
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